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Enabling Data Interoperability in Maritime air Quality: The Journey of CMCL within DOME 4.0

DOME 4.0: Enabling Data Interoperability in Maritime air Quality

Air quality has been one of the major concerns in large cities, industrial clusters, and port areas. Tackling this challenge, however, entails acquiring knowledge from various sources such as weather, local topology, and built environment, distribution patterns of the polluting sources (e.g., cars, motorcycles, and ships), and so on. To facilitate an effective mitigation measure, data needs to be retrieved from heterogeneous sources and fused, to provide a holistic view of the reality. Adding to the complexity is the fact that different software and models are required, e.g., to provide the emission dispersion in the air.

As one of the nine Business-to-Business showcases in the DOME 4.0 project, CMCL aims to tackle this challenge by introducing a Semantic Knowledge Graph-based interoperability framework to connect all these data and models across multiple sources in a unified environment, and account for air quality arising from maritime emissions in the near-port areas.

In particular, one of the critical challenges in the Maritime sector is the fragmented nature of emissions data. This segmentation hinders comprehensive understanding and effective decision-making. The Knowledge Graph-based approach is a cornerstone in understanding and interpreting the vast array of chemical data, maritime emissions, and air quality information. By establishing semantic interoperability across multiple domains, we are connecting data; enabling seamless integration of multiple software, and facilitating a holistic view of the emission dispersion in the desired geographical area.


Our approach involves:

  • Connecting heterogeneous data sources across multiple domains
  • Developing and extending ontologies for data integration
  • Implementing advanced emissions prediction software
  • Utilizing our advanced data analytics toolkit, MoDS.


The “virtual sensor agent” developed as a part of the showcase is the key to handling emissions from static point sources and moving ships. By instantiating data according to specific requirements, such as NOx emissions from ships within a certain distance to a port, we provide a detailed and accurate picture of environmental impacts.

Enabling Data Interoperability in Maritime air Quality: The Journey of CMCL within DOME 4.0

Through the integration with the DOME 4.0 ecosystem, the underlying Knowledge Graph will be populated by diverse datasets, including weather, terrain, buildings, maritime emissions, and air quality, which are essential to the operation of the virtual sensor agent. In addition, the output of the virtual sensor can be made available on DOME 4.0 to other data consumers, which can support further analysis, technological development, and policy-making process.

The implications of our work within DOME 4.0 extend far beyond immediate environmental concerns. By enhancing data interoperability, we pave the way for more informed decision-making by port authorities, maritime operators, local authorities, and policymakers. Our efforts contribute to reducing developmental costs, improving sustainability, and promoting innovation in these sectors.

As we continue our journey with DOME 4.0, CMCL remains dedicated to pushing the technological boundaries to enable semantic interoperability of data and models across several sectors to solve this multi-faceted challenge.

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