OpenModel OpenModel aims to design, create, provide, and maintain a sustainable integrated open platform for innovation which delivers predictable, validated, and traceable simulation workflows integrating seamlessly third-party physics-based models, solvers, post-processors and databases. OpenModel thus bridges the gap from industry challenge via translation to actionable results that enable well informed business decisions. It will be applicable to a wide range of materials and their related processing technologies and facilitate setting up experiments, reducing error and enhancing development efficiency. Useful Links: Social Media: |
OntoTrans OntoTrans provides an intelligent system that uses machine learning and semantic reasoning to enable end users to represent challenges in their manufacturing process in a standard ontological form and to connect them with relevant information sources and materials modelling solutions. This approach optimises materials and process design, making the manufacturing industry more adaptive and competitive. OntoTrans provides smart targeted guidance through the whole translation process: from the initial innovation case specification to actual materials modelling workflows with related validation, verification and uncertainty quantifications to deliver a complete experience to companies. OntoTrans can be fully integrated into existing and emerging developments in materials and manufacturing, including integration with digital materials modelling marketplaces and open simulation platforms. Its footing on the European Materials Modelling Ontology ensures wide interoperability and standardisation. |
MUSICODE The MUSICODE project is creating a unique Open Innovation Platform for Materials Modelling. The application area is Organic Electronics, for which the required modelling spans all length scales (electronic to continuum) and physics (quantum to fluid dynamics). The MUSICODE platform is a single-entry point for the industrial non-expert user, linked with data, protocols, editing tools, pre-templated modelling workflows and HPC facilities. It enables insight of how chemical structure, materials formulations, and process (gas/wet phase) conditions affect organic material properties and device performance. The MUSICODE platform offers key innovations on several levels, such as workflow design, data handling, software integration, HPC resource management, etc, with the aim to make materials modelling accessible and user-friendly for industry. |
NanoMECommons NanoMECommons will establish a transnational and multidisciplinary research and innovation network to tackle the problem of nanomechanical materials characterisation in multiple industries. The focus of NanoMECommons is to employ innovative nano-scale mechanical testing procedures in real industrial environments, by developing harmonised and widely accepted characterisation methods, with reduced measurement discrepancy, and improved interoperability and traceability of data. Useful Links: |
CHARISMA The CHARISMA Project (Characterisation and HARmonisation for Industrial Standardisation of Advanced MAterials) is set to harmonise Raman Spectroscopy for characterisation across the life cycle of a material, from product design and manufacture to lifetime performance and end-of-life stage. The project will demonstrate the feasibility of its concept in three industry cases. In the long term, it aims to make Raman spectroscopy a widespread technology used within the Industry Commons concept. Useful Links: Social Media: |
MatCHMaker MatCHMaker is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Union supporting excellence in research on methods and tools for advanced materials development towards a low-carbon and clean industry. MatCHMaker aims to reduce the time, cost and risks of developing and optimising advanced materials. This contributes to the European Green Deal to decarbonise the industry while enhancing people’s quality of life. The ambition of MatCHMaker is to validate project results on three Use Cases: Construction (cement), Energy (SOFC/SOEC) and Mobility (PEMFC). Coordinated by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the project involves 10 partners from 8 European countries. |