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DOME 4.0: Revolutionizing Data-Driven Knowledge in European Manufacturing and Materials Sectors

DOME 4.0: Revolutionizing Data-Driven Knowledge in European Manufacturing and Materials Sectors

The Digitalf Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 is an EU-funded project designed to revolutionize data-driven knowledge generation within the European manufacturing and materials sectors. Aligned with the Horizon 2020 goals, DOME 4.0 aims to create a comprehensive industrial data ecosystem that fosters collaboration, innovation, and economic growth. By leveraging ontology-driven semantic data interoperability, advanced data processing technologies, and AI, DOME 4.0 seeks to maximize knowledge extraction and facilitate the creation of new or enhanced products, processes, and services.

Consortium and Collaborative Efforts

The DOME 4.0 project brings together an interdisciplinary consortium that includes SMEs, large industries, research institutes, and academia. Led by Computational Modelling Cambridge Limited (CMCL) from the United Kingdom, the consortium includes prominent partners such as Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Netcompany-Intrasoft, Universita di Bologna, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, United Kingdom Research and Innovation, Siemens Industry Software, Bosch GmbH, Uniresearch BV, SINTEF, and Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd. This diverse group ensures a comprehensive approach to achieving the project's objectives through their combined expertise and resources.

Core Objectives and Focus Areas

DOME 4.0's primary objectives are twofold: advancing core ecosystem technologies and demonstrating their value through real-world applications. The project focuses on:

  • Core Ecosystem Technology Advancement: This involves developing a state-of-the-art digital open collaborative marketplace ecosystem, ensuring secure and trusted data transactions, establishing a data governance structure adhering to FAIR data principles, and employing AI technologies for value addition and monetization of data.
  • B2B Success Stories: The project aims to demonstrate added value through nine business-to-business (B2B) showcases in areas such as nanomaterials, manufacturing equipment, and lightweight construction. These showcases will highlight the improved effectiveness of decision-making, quality by design, and reduction in cost and time to market.

Data Governance and FAIR Principles

A critical aspect of DOME 4.0 is its commitment to data governance, sovereignty, and provenance. The project adheres to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles, ensuring that data is handled appropriately and ethically. Key elements include:

  • Data Sovereignty: Ensuring that data owners retain control over their data, with clear policies on data usage and sharing.
  • Data Provenance: Maintaining detailed records of data origin and alterations to ensure transparency and trust.
  • Data Security: Implementing robust security measures to protect data from unauthorized access and breaches.

Expected Impact and Future Prospects

DOME 4.0 is poised to make a significant impact on the European manufacturing and materials sectors. The project's innovative ecosystem will enhance knowledge sharing, and facilitate seamless data sharing and collaboration across various industries, leading to increased innovation and efficiency. It will drive economic growth by creating new products, services, and business models, contributing to the European economy. Additionally, it will promote sustainability by optimizing resource usage and reducing waste through data-driven decision-making.

By the end of its four-year duration, DOME 4.0 aims to achieve a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 6 for its ecosystem and B2B showcases, demonstrating the system's applicability in real-world industrial environments. The project's success will also pave the way for broader adoption and scalability, extending its benefits to other sectors of the European economy.

DOME 4.0 represents a significant step forward in harnessing the power of data for the manufacturing and materials sectors. By integrating advanced technologies and fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders, the project aligns perfectly with Horizon 2020's objectives of innovation, sustainability, and economic growth. As DOME 4.0 progresses, it promises to set new standards in data-driven knowledge generation, ultimately contributing to a more competitive and resilient European industry.

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