DOME 4.0 Organized an Industrial Engagement Open Day and Hackathons
The DOME 4.0 project co-organized in partnership with the SimDOME Project a hybrid event, at BI-REX premises consisting of a single-day Industrial Engagement Open Day (IEOD) and a two-day Hackathon held between 17-19 January 2023 in Bologna, Italy.

The IEOD aimed to share with the audience about standard data handling and data management practices in industrial organizations and understand how to develop compatibility between proposed data management solutions with already existing data management practices in the industry as well as the novel Business Models.
The main responsible for organizing and moderating IEOD, was Dr. Bojan Boskovic from CNT, chairing the presentations, and discussions, and facilitating interactions between external participants and project partners.

The Hackathons consisted of four sessions covering ontology development, standard vocabularies, data FAIRness, and data sharing experiences. In each session, training material presentations and talks covering ontology development, standard vocabularies, alignment with the standardization and documentation guidelines, data FAIRness, and data sharing experiences, along with practical use cases from DOME 4.0 showcases were delivered to the participants, and interactive session followed to engage them in a more hands-on experience in developing tools and services to enable data sharing.

The DOME 4.0 partners, CMCL, NETCOMPANY-INTRASOFT, University of Bologna, were involved in the planning and organization of the event. Over 70 participants attended the three-day event from various industries, academia, and research. During the event took place interesting talks and panel discussions which delivered by project partners, including SISW, BOSCH, and CMCL. The consortium of the DOME 4.0 is planning to organize two more events in the future.