Deliverable D1.1 – "Infrastructure for Agile and DevOps software engineering practices"
Deliverable D1.2 – “Use case, persona and requirements registry”
Deliverable D2.1 – "Technical requirements for data tools and services"
Deliverable D2.6 - "Tools for simulation and modeling workflows"
Deliverable D3.1 – “Semantic data exchange ontology” (submitted on February 28th, 2022)
Deliverable D3.2 – "Ecosystem information model ontology" (submitted on November 30th, 2022)
Deliverable D3.2 – "Ecosystem information model ontology" (Download the ontology source (.TTL) files)
Deliverable D3.5 – “Reference Data Connector and B2B data connectors”
Deliverable D3.6 - “CUDS specification and reference implementation”
Deliverable D4.1 – "Report on data availability, data structure, and data requirements for each showcase" (submitted on May 31st, 2022)
Deliverable D4.2 – "Configuration and developments needed to perform the showcases on the DOME 4.0 ecosystem"
Deliverable D4.3 – “Demonstration of the showcases on the DOME 4.0 ecosystem”
Deliverable D4.4 – “Comparison of the originally envisaged and the achieved KPIs”
Deliverable D5.1 – “Coordination of Cooperation Report” (submitted on November 30th, 2021)
Deliverable D5.2 – “Cooperation Report with NMBP-39-2020CSA (OntoCommons)”
Deliverable D5.3 – "Progress Report" (submitted on November 30th, 2022)
Deliverable D5.4 – "Progress report of the interactions with other relevant initiatives v2"
Deliverable D5.5 – "Standards and Best Practices" (submitted on November 30th, 2022)
Deliverable D6.2 – “Community-building Plan: Industrial EndUsers, Partner Networks, and Standardisation Bodies” (submitted on May 31st, 2021)
Deliverable D6.3 – Industrial, Partner and Standardisation network liaison report
Deliverable D6.4 – “Report on the Industrial Engagement Open Day Workshops”
Deliverable D6.6 – "Education Training Model, Webinar & Training Material"
Deliverable D7.1 – “Stakeholder Identification, Customer Segmentation” (submitted on January 31st, 2022)
Deliverable D7.2 – "PR Management, Asset Identification, and Value Proposition"
Deliverable D7.5 – "Business Model, Monetisation Routes and Sustainability Action Plan"
Deliverable D8.1 – “Project handbook” (submitted on February 26th, 2021)
Deliverable D8.3 – “Quality assurance and risk management plan” (submitted on October 30th, 2021)
Deliverable D8.4 – “Data management plan” (submitted on May 31st, 2021)
Deliverable D9.1 – H – “Requirement No. 1” (submitted on February 26, 2021)
Deliverable D9.2 – POPD – “Requirement No. 2” (submitted on February 26th, 2021)